6 x RED Dot Squash Balls Generic Non-Branded High Quality Rubber
This listing is for 6 x RED DOT Squash Balls for beginner players and in cold weather.
In squash, there are five different types of balls available for players of different skill levels. All the balls look similar, except the color of the dots on the balls. This unique situation creates huge confusion for beginners. Sometimes even the more experienced players find it difficult to choose the right ball to use.
A "true" squash ball barely bounce in room temperature. It needs to be hit hard to get hot before it can bounce normally. For unskilled players, it would be difficult to hit it hard enough to get the ball hot, thus can't play the game properly.
For that reason, ball manufacturers have developed balls with different bounce characteristics to suit different skill levels. By using the right balls, all player can play in normal bounce.
Traditionally, an official competition grade squash ball is marked with a single yellow dot. Since 2001, a slightly slower bounce squash ball was introduced as official competition ball, and marked with double yellow dots. There are three more levels of instant bounce balls: Green Dot, Red Dot and Blue Dot, in the order from slow to fast.
Which Ball to Use?
Double Yellow Dots: Very slow non-instant bounce ball. This is the official competition ball. It need to hit really hard to get hot before bounce normally. It will cool down very quickly particularly if the room temperature is cold and rallies are short. Only top level players can play with it.
Single Yellow Dot: Slow non-instant bounce ball. Slightly easier to hot up and have longer hang-time than double yellow dot balls. Still need to hit hard to get hot, and requires long rallies for it to stay hot. Suitable for top level and skilled club players for training.
Green Dot: Slow instant bounce. Suitable for mid level players who can not hit the ball particularly hard. This ball is for use in winter or in high altitude places.
Red Dot: Medium instant bounce. Suitable for beginners, particularly during winter. Squash coaches like to choose this ball for coaching purposes. New players are able to strike and rally more with the ball.
Blue Dot: Fast instant bounce. Suitable for beginners playing in hot summer seasons. New players are able to strike and rally, gain confidence, develop hand eye co-ordination skills by using the blued dot balls. It is an ideal coaching ball.
We supply 4 levels of squash ball. The Blue Dot ball is currently out of stock. Please search other balls within our eBay store for appropriate balls.
The squash balls we supply are generic non-branded products made by a highly reputable manufacturer in Taiwan. All balls are strictly complied to specifications and requirements set out by the World Squash Federation.